From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
: a feeling of appreciation or thanks
Notice this definition doesn’t mention anything about the other person. Gratitude is as much about making yourself feel good as it is about appreciating another person.
: a feeling of appreciation or thanks
Notice this definition doesn’t mention anything about the other person. Gratitude is as much about making yourself feel good as it is about appreciating another person.
A recent study found that when you take the time to express gratitude to someone else, your own happiness increases. In fact, the less happy you are, the greater the positive impact when do you express gratitude – up to a 19% improvement (thanks to hubby for pointing out this grump’s nearly limitless opportunity for improvement this week…….) A similar phenomenon happens when people volunteer – there is an adrenalin rush associated with giving back and giving thanks. Take 5 minutes to watch the gratitude study in action here
Taking the time to write a letter or make a phone call to someone that has really made a difference in your life can really improve your own outlook. For a Toastmaster’s Assignment many years ago I had to write a letter I wrote to someone important. I wrote the letter to my high school English Teacher – we’ll call her TTS for short. It was really easy to write the letter; it was much more difficult to say the words aloud, even when she wasn’t in the room. I later mailed the letter to her. I didn’t hear back, but I felt better to writing it. Thank you TTS!
Taking the time to write a letter or make a phone call to someone that has really made a difference in your life can really improve your own outlook. For a Toastmaster’s Assignment many years ago I had to write a letter I wrote to someone important. I wrote the letter to my high school English Teacher – we’ll call her TTS for short. It was really easy to write the letter; it was much more difficult to say the words aloud, even when she wasn’t in the room. I later mailed the letter to her. I didn’t hear back, but I felt better to writing it. Thank you TTS!